
Nannie Doss

She became known as “The Giggling Granny” due to her tendency to laugh merrily during interrogations.When she would speak of her lovers that she murdered she said, “I was searching for the perfect mate, the real romance of life.” Her list of killings included:four of her five husbands, her mother, her sister, her grandson, and her mother-in-law.She finally confessed to the murders in October 1954, after her fifth husband had died in a small hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma.She pleaded guilty on May 17, 1955, and was sentenced to life imprisonment. The state did not pursue the death penalty due to her gender. Doss was never charged with the other deaths.


Myra Hindley

Elizabeth Báthory went down as one of the most ruthless killers in European history.Báthory is believed to have tortured and killed nearly 650 girls–mostly teenage peasants between 1585 and 1610.


Amelia Dyer

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Pasta and Wine

Aileen Wuornos

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Jane Toppan

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Mary Ann Cotton

Once again, some random text to lorem lorem lorem lorem ipsum text praesent tincidunt ipsum lipsum.


Kristen Gilbert

Just some random text, lorem ipsum text praesent tincidunt ipsum lipsum.


Elizabeth Báthory

Lorem lorem lorem lorem ipsum text praesent tincidunt ipsum lipsum.

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